Our Four Pillars
The divinity in me bows down to the divinity in you.
This greeting and its underlying principle informs the relationship between any two individuals within our space. It requires the highest level of professionalism and presence of mind when teaching, bearing in mind to be of service to the individual’s highest good. This is the energy we bring to you.
The intention behind the breath
The intention behind breath awareness and movement with the breath is to unblock energy pathways, and revitalise you, the individual. The breath allows your body to open and move into position and provides a level of careful consideration.
CYS is a nurturing space
CYS is an allowing space. Teachers are nurtured in their passion and professional development, and this journey is mirrored in their intention as they instruct and hold the space. There is a big emphasis on cultivating responsive teaching, as well as responsive practice. For you the practitioner – we offer a range of different yoga styles and/or pathways, to allow a relevant response to change and evolution. This allows you to practice at your level on any given day and to respond to your inner guidance.
CYS is a safe space
Your safety is our highest priority. A focus on good anatomy and physiology is fundamental to our practice. CYS teachers are highly trained and continue to build on their education to provide informed classes that are physically safe and beneficial, as well as energetically uplifting. Yoga is a practice for the whole being, and every practice is focused on you as a whole person.