
Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Practising yoga throughout your pregnancy is a wonderful gift
to give yourself and your unborn baby.

Canberra Yoga Space looks forward to supporting you in your journey towards birth.

Prenatal Yoga

A 10 week course designed to support you through your pregnancy.

Monday Evenings
7:00 PM – 08:30 PM


Postnatal Yoga

A 10 week course designed to help you recover and bond with your baby.

Wednesday Morning
This course is not currently running.


Pre Birthing Workshop

A private 90-minute workshop designed to help you and your birthing partner prepare for labour and birth.

This is a private Class


Practising yoga during pregnancy may help you:

  • improve your strength, stamina and flexibility in preparation for birth
  • deal more effectively with stress and anxiety
  • Improve recovery times after birth.

During our 10-week Prenatal Yoga Course, you will receive weekly emails with class information and helpful links as you progress through the course.

Your growing baby is affected by your experiences – not only what you put into your body, but your thoughts and your feelings too. This course will help you navigate your experiences with more mindfulness and give you the tools to down-regulate your system when you experience stress and/or anxiety. 

What to bring:

  • Canberra Yoga Space supplies yoga mats and any yoga props you may need, such as bolsters (big cylindrical pillows), blankets, blocks and eye pillows. If you would prefer to use your own yoga mat please feel free to bring it. 
  • Wear loose comfortable clothing – we practice with bare feet, so no footwear is required during class. 
  • Please ensure you have a bottle of water with you and stay hydrated. 
  • If you are practising online you will need a mat, some cushions, 2 yoga blocks, if you have them, and a full-size towel or blanket. Feel free to practice in your pyjamas.

Canberra Yoga Space Postnatal YogaThe Postnatal Yoga course, formerly known as Mums and Bubs, has been designed with the intention of providing a supportive, friendly and nurturing environment for new mothers and their babies.

The course is designed to put you back together after birth and includes special tips on how to care for your C-section scar, if you have had one, and reconnecting your transverse abdominals. 

It is open to mums with babies from 6 weeks old (natural birth), or from 12 weeks (c-section) to crawling.

Class time is made up of postnatal yoga for yourself, with focus on chested opening, back strengthening and abdominal repair, as well as taking the opportunity to bond with your baby through a little baby yoga, which is ideal for developing your babies’ sensory development at this early stage. Practise ends with relaxation for you and your baby. It is not uncommon for the practice to be disturbed by the needs of the baby, feeding holding, nappy changing, This is all taken into account through the practice and much of the practice can be done while holding your baby.

The yoga poses/ practise (asana) will help you to –

  • Relieve tension and stress
  • Calm and refresh your mind.
  • Support your muscle recovery post-birth
  • Start gently toning your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles
  • Release tight joints
  • Open the shoulders and restore the spinal alignment and gut pressure
  • Provide breath and meditation techniques to support your sleep, and help calm your mind and body

This is a nurturing space –

  • Each mother’s unique way of parenting is honoured and respected.
  • No one specific way or method of parenting is promoted.
  • Women are invited to share their experiences in a confidential and safe environment where they are completely accepted and supported.
  • This is a great way to meet other mums and make new friends.

Please note: Bring your baby in a baby capsule or sling. We are located up a flight of stairs (level 1), so unfortunately direct pram access is not available. There is a small space under the stairs on the ground floor if you do need to leave your pram somewhere prior to class. Please ensure that your prams are not blocking access to the building for other tenants/ users.

What to bring:

Please bring baby’s play-mat to place over studio blankets and props for your baby to lay on. It is important we keep the pros clean for use by other students.

Bring water for yourself, and anything you may need for your baby.

There are two small kitchens located down the hallway from the studio should you need hot water for bottles, as well as toilets.

Please take soiled nappies with you when you leave and dispose of them at home.

The 90-minute Pre-Birthing workshop is designed to help you prepare for birth. It is recommended you attend this workshop in the last 6 weeks of your pregnancy with your birthing partner.

You and your birthing partner will explore some simple yoga techniques to help relax you both and prepare for the birth. The sequence you will learn is excellent for preparing the mind and body for birthing and can be used during pre-labour and in the days before birth. You will receive a handout of the sequence to help you remember it.

We will also explore different birthing positions and discover what works for you both, and how to change things up as the birth progresses.

This workshop is designed to give the birthing partner practical tools to help support the birthing mother. It is a fun and practical experience that can help to build an understanding of the processes of birthing, increase bonding, discover what is helpful and what is not helpful, and to enhance the birthing experience for everyone. You will both leave feeling prepared and excited for the birth of your child.

These are private sessions with Eli Haski and must be booked in advance by email.

General session time is Sunday, 11:30 am – 1 pm. Alternative times may be requested but are subject to studio timetabling.

Cost: $175 per couple for a single 90 minutes session.

What to wear: Comfortable clothing with a bit of stretch so you can move freely.

At what stage of pregnancy can I start?

We recommend starting prenatal yoga in the second trimester – around 12- 14 weeks.

Your body will feel at its most energetic during the second trimester, and we encourage women to make the most of practice during that period. Appropriate, regular and mindful exercise during pregnancy not only prepares the body for birth, but it also allows for quicker muscle recovery post-birth. Muscles which have been conditioned to be active will be ready for the often repetitive tasks that come with motherhood – such as bending, lifting and carrying.

You are welcome to begin at any point during the ten-weeks the course runs, enrolling for the remainder of the course. You can use remaining credits for the following course, or for postnatal yoga sessions with your baby.

Do I need to have done yoga before?

No, not at all! Prenatal yoga classes are gentle and safe for beginners. But we certainly have options for those who are more experienced practitioners.

Is there a danger of over-stretching in pregnancy?

There is the potential to overstretch doing yoga during pregnancy, as the hormone relaxin is released in the body as part of the process. Relaxin softens the ligaments around the pelvis to prepare your body for birth. Because of this, we believe it is important to be conservative in your movements; never stretch to the edge of your flexibility range, and always be mindful of whether it feels right for you. This subject is covered during the course.

Prenatal yoga concentrates on core stability as abdominal muscles and pelvic floor muscles are engaged in many postures. This assists to not only strengthen your back as bub’s weight increases towards the end of your pregnancy, but also to help strengthen these muscles themselves, to ground you, and to keep the pelvis from becoming unstable. Postures which may increase pelvic instability are avoided or modified. You will be made aware of which poses pose a risk as we go along.

What if I’m feeling tired or sick? Should I attend practise?

It is a fundamental principle of the prenatal course that you listen to your changing body and respect its needs. So if you feel you need to rest from practice, we encourage you to do so. Each woman is different. Some women practise all the way up to just before delivery. Others require more rest. Please discuss your individual needs with your teacher if you have any concerns.

If I miss a class can I make it up?

We understand that pregnancy can be a roller coaster. If you are unable to make a class you can use that credit to either attend another prenatal class or to attend a postnatal Yoga class after the birth of your child. Your credit will be redeemable for 12 months from purchase in any CYS class should choose to attend an open class when postnatally appropriate.

To arrange for a make up credit please email the studio to cancel your class and request your desired replacement. Should you be seeking to use an old credit email the studio with the date, day and time of the class you would prefer to attend. Placement in your preferred class is subject to availability.

Can yoga help relieve back pain?

Prenatal yoga may assist in preventing back pain and provide techniques for relief when it occurs. A sore back is a common complaint amongst pregnant women as your baby gets heavier towards the end of the second trimester/ beginning of the third trimester. There are many postures and movements that will help build strength in your back to support your growing baby. We would recommend, however, that you consult your doctor or appropriate allied health professional if you have any concerns.

Can I continue up until my due date?

Yes, definitely! Many women keep practising yoga until 40+ weeks.

I am scared of labour. Will doing yoga help?

Labour can be a frightening prospect. During the prenatal course, you will learn and practice skills which may help you cope with labour, as well as support you to get more understanding and confidence around the birth process. Labour is unpredictable, and that is part of the beauty of this amazing journey. The prenatal course is designed to provide information which we hope will relieve any anxiety, as well as support you to trust yourself and the journey as it unfolds.

CYS also runs a Pre-Birthing workshop for couples to practice together and provide practical tips for use during labour. For more details click the link (add link to pre-birthing workshop)

Will yoga help me cope with pain during labour?

The course covers techniques to help cope with pain, and the perception of pain; as well as relaxation techniques.

To ensure poses are appropriate and optimal for your safety and well-being, kindly download and complete THE PRENATAL HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE.

Please hand the form to your teacher at your first class.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are continuing on from the last term, it is not necessary for you to complete the entire form, but kindly email any updated information on the form in the body of an email to eli@canberrayogaspace.com.au.

1. Make-up classes:

If you miss a class you can make-up up to 2 classes during any 10-week course. You can use these two make-up credits to attend either another prenatal course class within two weeks or equivalent postnatal classes after the birth of your baby.

You will need to email the studio to organise make-up classes so we can allocate the credit to your chosen class.

2. When should I join the course?

While prenatal yoga practice is recommended after 12 weeks gestation, you can begin when you feel ready. Unlike the rest of our courses where we encourage participants to enrol from the very beginning (as coverage and information is progressive) – for our Prenatal Yoga Course, we recommend and encourage you to start at a time that feels right for you.

You are welcome to attend the course at any point in time during the ten-week program, enrolling for the remainder of the course. You can use any remaining class credits in the next course, or for our postnatal classes.

3. When is it optimal to practise?

The body will feel at its most energetic during the second trimester, and we encourage women to make the most of practice during that period. Appropriate and regular mindful exercise during pregnancy not only prepares the body for birth, but it also allows for quicker muscle recovery post-birth. The muscles in the body which have been conditioned to be active will not only be ready for repetitive tasks (carrying, lifting, travelling) that come with motherhood, they will also support a quicker and easier transition into fitness with less dormancy leading towards birth.

4. Should I attend class if I’m feeling tired or sick?

It is fundamental to the course for you to listen to your changing body and respect its needs. If you wish to or need to rest from practice, we encourage you to do so. Each woman is different – some women practice all the way until just before delivery. Others may require more rest during pregnancy. Class credits can be redeemed in the postnatal course if necessary.

5. Can I make up my class at another prenatal class?

We run two prenatal classes at Canberra Yoga Space: Mondays at 7 PM and Saturday at 10:15 am. If you cannot make it to your designated time, you are welcome to send us a request by email to make it up by attending the other class that week. Please note: this is subject to availability. We need to ensure that everyone is comfortable, and hence we will consider your request when we receive it.

Registration Form

Before enrolling in any of the Perinatal courses or workshops
please download and fill out the Prenatal Yoga Course Registration Form.

Please email the form to the studio or hand it to your teacher at your first class.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are continuing on from the last term, it is not necessary for you to complete the form again. However, if you have experienced any changes in your health or wellbeing please inform the teacher immediately either in person or by email.

*The form will download to your computer as a zip file. If it does not open automatically check your downloads folder and double click on the zip file to open it.


The Teachers