An elephant standing in tall green grass

Go slow and surrender – there is no need to rush

Greetings from Kenya!

The festive season is rapidly approaching and it is a busy time for many. Remember to take some time out, slow down and be present.

For me, this time away has been just that. I have been going through a deep process I don’t fully understand.

I do know a deep healing is occurring, but the wisdom has not yet revealed itself. I am in the unknowing phase of change and have had to let go and surrender in a major way.

I am completely out of my comfort zone. Daily life here is so different, everything takes longer and is completely different to at home. My routines and practices are completely out of whack, but I have been able to get onto my mat most mornings to do some movement and chanting. It is so different to doing it at home. The food is different, many of you know I don’t eat much carbohydrate, my body simply does not like it. Well, over here the diet is made up of 90% carbs. My body is handling it, but I can not wait to get back to my high-protein and high-fat diet. I feel so tired and sleepy on carbs.

Not having my own space and independence has been another real challenge for me. I have discovered I really like my routines and my alone time in my house. Over here I feel rather helpless as I can’t go anywhere on my own, I can’t really cook for myself, I even need help to reheat water for a sponge bath.

So Surrender is all I can do. I have let go and allowed myself to just be present in the moment; to enjoy the slower pace, engage fully in the relationships and time doing simple tasks; make everything a mindful practice; let every moment unfold as it will and allow myself to be in the not knowing; BE in the discomfort; BE in the challenge and BE in the bliss and peace.

It is not easy, but I know that it will unfold for my good and that all I need to do is trust and surrender to this time.

So as we move into the end of the year, perhaps take some time to look back at all you have achieved, let go of the things you no longer need and open your heart to your future. So much has changed, the planets have had major shifts. Maybe you feel them, maybe you don’t. But things will always change and the key is to be present and open and show up authentically in each and every moment.

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