It’s ok to be in the pause

Sometimes I know exactly what to write about for these newsletters. This is not one of those times.

I have been mulling it over for the last few days and the inspiration is just not there.

I would say that it’s because I feel I am in a scared pause myself.

I feel as if I am floating in the space between knowing and action.

Energetically this is a time of great potency with the Lion’s Gate Portal peaking on the 8th, but the energy of this gateway to the Soul is open several days either side and amplified by the New Moon and Mercury Retrograde. So to me, it is no surprise that all I want to do is go inward. To sit on my cushion or do my practices. Why stringing words together and balancing on the mat has been so very hard.

I can only write and teach from what I know, so what I know is that I don’t know. I don’t know where I am going, I don’t know what I want for my life and how to make it happen. I do know I want to inspire people and facilitate healing; I do know I want to hold space and create beautiful transformative experiences for people to dive deeply into their own being and Soul. I do know I have a huge capacity to hold unconditional love, and I do know I transform grief.

So I will continue to sit in quiet stillness. I will continue to do my practices with dedication and devotion to all that is and to my greatest unfolding. And this is all I can do. In time I trust the inspiration and answers will come. I feel I am supported in my journey, so I will just allow myself to be, do what I can when needed and give to our wonderful space the best I can. Everything else is out of my control and that is ok.

So I hope that this reflection helps you on your journey. That you know it is ok to pause. To take space for yourself, to not know or have all the answers, to know what you do know and honour that. For this is all any of us can do. And in doing so we give permission for others to do the same. We allow life to slow down and give space to feel between our thoughts, ambitions and actions. We give space for our inner wisdom to rise and if we are open enough, we may even understand what it is trying to tell us.

Then hopefully we can take clear action and make magic happen 🙂

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