
A New Year – A New Opportunity

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Happy New Year!!!
Welcome 2021

I hope you are feeling well and ready for a fresh start. I have kept it short and sweet this month.

Are you feeling ready and inspired to make the most of the year ahead?

I am! If I learned anything from 2020 it is to expect the unexpected and roll with flow. Obstacles and problems are situations needing a resolution and are sent to help us grow and evolve. If we meet them with resistance we will get more of the same. Where there is resistance there is persistence.

But I want to stay inspired so I choose to think and act with a heart and mind filled with optimism and joy and to meet whatever comes my way with a mind to just do my best. This has been my Sankalpa, my intention, for the new year.

I read a book some years ago that changed my life. It’s called The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. In it he discusses 4 basic principles with which to live life;

  1. Always do your best.
  2. Always speak your truth
  3. Never make assumptions, and
  4. Don’t take anything personally. 

They sound pretty simple at first glance and like anything are easy to do when things are going well but show up as more challenging when things are difficult. I have found though, that applying these principles to my life that it has improved 1000 fold. I sometimes catch myself in one of the principles and need to pause and check in as to why I may be making an assumption or such, reflect on it and find I can turn it around simply from shedding the light of awareness on that behaviour. When we are aware we can create change and we have choice. When we wander around letting the unconscious mind drive the behaviour we will keep doing the same thing, making the same mistakes and wondering why nothing changes.

Conscious living means choosing your own path from a place of awareness.

What’s happening this month at CYS

Restore and Renew Summer Season is moving along nicely. Classes have been busy and super wonderful. If you are stuck in town please come join us. It’s a great chance to enjoy some more Yoga while it is quiet.

Yin Yoga Teacher Training has been on all this week. I am having an amazing time. It’s great to be a student again in the “yoga bubble” and dive into some Yin practice again. As a teacher we can get stuck in teaching the same way class after class, so doing some training can help reignite ones love for yoga and create some fresh perspective.

Our Next Beginners Course Starts on the 18th January along with the rest of the regular timetable. There are still spots available to send your family and friends in and help them discover the joys of yoga practice.
Book your beginners course here.

There will be a few small changes to our pricing and direct debit structures as I refine our systems and continue to streamline things. These small increases will help CYS recover from the impact of Covid -19 and help us move forward and rebuild. I will be reducing some of the Direct Debit options so may need to contact you if your plan is being effected.

There still seems to be a large amount of lost property at the studio, mainly lonely drink bottles that have been left behind. If you are missing a drink bottle, please some and get it. I would hate to throw them away. There is also a pair of thongs and a hoodie. Please come and collect them.

Many Thanks and I look forward to seeing you on the mat soon.

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