Your Deepest Sense of Self… What does this mean?
If you have ever been to my class you will hear me say “tune in to your very deepest sense of self”. I often contemplate what this means. I suggest that this phrase might mean something different to everyone.
At CYS one of our primary goals is to help students connect with and honour their “true nature”. Yoga is a means of doing this, but what does it actually mean? What is our True Nature? Our deepest sense of self? Our inner being? So many terms to describe it, but does anyone really know what it is?
To me, it goes back to the ageless mystery of why and how we are here. The more study of anatomy, physiology and healing I do, the more I am amazed at our magical complexity; at the incredible process of bringing life into the world; and at how we fit with the natural world around us. I believe that science, medicine and all the healing processes we have available to us are just scratching the surface of what there is to know, and we know A LOT already! But there is so much more. It is infinite, expansive and held together with energy.
In my meditation the other night I had a realisation, a deep understanding and connection with the energy that binds us all. This is not unusual for me, as my meditations are often deep and infinite, but what was new was the realisation that my “deepest sense of self” was a sense of energy with purpose. That I/we have been put here to combine our infinite source of energy and to connect with a purpose. This is an opportunity to find something that lights us up, speaks to our desire to help others and drives the energy to the betterment of the greater good.
We cannot deny our connection with others, we cannot deny that the here and now is incredible just by the fact that it and we exist. If we can step back from our struggles and the daily grind and see the fabulousness of our existence and connection then perhaps our own “deepest sense of self” will rise and we will shine, together.
Yoga practice is a means of stepping back, connecting and allowing our “true nature”, purpose or simply our best self to rise up. The physical practices of movement and breathing help us regulate our internal systems and allow our body to feel better. We can combine this with other healing tools for even faster healing and connection with our body, then we pause in meditation, let the dust settle and feel in the stillness the voice of the universe, the sound of pure energy and thus the shield of otherness is lifted.
What’s Happening This Month at CYS
Check-In Canberra
It is still compulsory for everyone to scan the QR Code with the Checkin Canberra App when entering the studio.
I am aware that we have your details on file, but the ACT Government has made it mandatory for all businesses to use the app. If students do not comply, fines will be issued to both the studio and the student, so please just check-in on arrival.
You’ll find the QR code both outside and inside the studio. Thank you for your cooperation.
Kids Yoga at CYS
with Radhika
Kids Yoga has kicked off on Monday’s at 4 pm. This is a fun exploration of yoga for kids. Radhika is full of energy as she introduces the kids to the benefits of yoga. There are still places available so come along.
Myofascial Self Massage Workshop
with Elena
This workshop is great for anyone with general aches and pains who like to “roll things out”. Learn how to safely and effectively release tightness in your body, improve movement and flexibility.
This workshop is available both Online and F2F. For more details visit our FB Event page.
When: Sunday 21st March 2021
Time: 11:30 – 2:00pm
Cost: $75
Click HERE to book your place
Bend So You Don’t Break
A backhanding workshop for all with Kat Sadler
Kat is working on those backbends this month, so if you have trouble with backbends, fear them or just feel you don’t have a bendy back then this might be a great chance to challenge yourself and try something new. Bend So You Don’t Break is suitable for all students and is a great way to dive more deeply into back bending and how to increase your flexibility in this direction. Allowing for great spinal movement is key to increasing all over flexibility in both body and mind.
When: 28th March 2021
Time: 11:30am – 1:30pm
Cost: $55
Click HERE to book your place
Yin Yoga Workshop for Teachers – Autumn (metal element)
With Sarah Owen
Sarah Owen is back in Canberra for a Yin Yoga Workshop for Teachers – Autumn (metal element).
This workshop is primarily for teachers or dedicated practitioners wishing to expand their yin practice. We will engage in a Yin Yoga sequence for balancing the Metal element during Autumn (including focusing on the Lungs/Large Intestine meridian pair). We will also explore ways of adapting and modifying the postures to account for skeletal variations and differences in body type as well as ways of supporting injuries while practising.
When: Sunday 18th April 2021
Time: 11:30 – 2:30pm
Cost: $85
Book your place here.
Yin Yoga Teacher Training
The Art of Holding Space (Module 3)
Sarah and I are very excited to announce her mobile 3 training is happening here in Canberra for the first time.
The art of Holding space is a 25-hour Teacher Training, suitable for all teachers. Holding space for a class can be challenging and definitely develops with time.
The practise of Yin Yoga creates a perfect container for us to cultivate compassionate presence – being with whatever is arising moment-by-moment in a non-judgmental, reflective and curious way. Additionally, this training will explore how we can learn to “be attuned to spaciousness” without “spacing out” during meditation and yoga practice (refining our awareness to be more attuned to the unseen), and how to highlight these subtle aspects of awareness/meditation practices when teaching others.
When: 1st – 4th October 2021
Times vary each day so check the course description.
Cost: $650 early bird rate until 31st July 2021.
Full fee: $695 from 1st August 2021
This training will surely fill up fast.
Book in early so you don’t miss out.
Epic Sound Bath
I am super excited to let you know that we will be having an Epic Sound Bath at the end of April.
My friend Bianca Reese, a fellow crystal bowl player, Kinesiologist and Sound Healer, and I, thought it would be a great idea to put our bowls together and create a sound and healing sensation event.
Come and enjoy the healing power of the crystal bowls, chimes and rain drums.
This will truly be an epic event!
When: Saturday 24th April
Time: 7pm – 9ish
Cost: $45
Please are strictly limited and will sell out quickly.
Click HERE to book your place!
Have a wonderful March and please let me know if you have questions, comments or feedback.

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