I am at somewhat of a loss for words given the state of the world right now. In the wake of Covid19 and protests across the world, perhaps now is a time to listen. But words must be spoken and action must be taken. There has been so much hurt, frustration and sadness sparked by recent events and #blacklivesmatter movement. These voices need to be heard, these issues need to be addressed with real solutions and not just lip service. In Australia, the treatment of our indigenous peoples must be deemed an urgent issue with respect given and culture nurtured.
I have had many discussions and watched the news footage and I am heartbroken by what I see. People are deeply hurting, they feel disregarded, forgotten and frustrated with the status quo and change is needed. Why can we not look beyond someones external form and circumstance and see that we are all the same, that beyond the skin the same miraculous creation of the human organism, complex and infinite exists? Why do people focus so much on what is missing, different or lesser? Why do we not celebrate and respect each other as beings and discard the external covering that paints us as different? With all the money that exists in the world, how is it that still people live in poverty. I feel ashamed at our behaviour and the narrow-minded view that keeps us all stuck in the spiral that values money above life and the need to grasp for this dilution of possession. It is all for nothing, a useless pursuit.
I personally find these issues so hard to discuss as I am the mother of 1/2 African children, will they be subject to this treatment? How will we deal with this prejudice? Thankfully they have had little experience of the blatant racism many have endured but no doubt it will come if things stay the same. I am hopeful that all the brave souls who have stood up and said enough, those who have rallied and cried out have my deepest gratitude for making a stand. For myself, I make this stand daily in the way I carry myself through life, showing respect to all I have dealings with and doing my best to raise, strong, confident young men who’s beautiful mix of culture and skin tone may someday help shape a world that respects life and works to the betterment of all of humanity. I do my inner work of spiritual growth and have dedicated my life to helping others all with the intention of leaving this existence even just the tiniest bit better than when I arrived. Thankfully millions of other people also live with this intention to life and with hope, these movements for change create a shift significant enough to establish that change, creating a better existence for us all.
Whats Happening at CYS
Covid19 Plan Update
We are back to face to face classes, which is super exciting. It has been so wonderful to see some of you again already and I look forward to welcoming everyone back to the space. We are following all the necessary Covid-19 safety requirements and have added temperature testing to our regime.
Please be prepared for your teacher to test your temperature with a non-contact infrared thermometer as you enter class.
I have chosen to do this to add an extra level of protection for us all. I know it will feel a bit awkward at first and disappointing if we are a bit hot and are asked to go home, but personally I would like to know if I am hot and could be running the risk of passing this on unknowingly. Temperature testing is fast becoming standard practice in many gyms and business and is part of us moving forward. If you feel you do not want to have your temperature tested you may choose to remain practising with us online. Please observe social distancing as best you can in the space and wash you hands before entering and after leaving the space. Soft props are still not to be used by students.
Beginners is Back!
Finally our Beginners Course can start again. The next 6-week course will begin Monday 13th July. Spaces are limited as class numbers are set at 10 to comply with Covid19 regulations. If we are able to open that up, adjustments will be made closer to the time. I ask that if you have done the course serval times that you do not purchase the course again and move into open classes. Please leave the spots for those new students joining us or those who have only completed the course once or twice. This is a great way for you to take your yoga off the mat and progress yourself into our wonderful open classes. Beginners course classes will not be streamed. These will be F2F classes only. The Beginner level classes that have been running in place of the course have will cease from the 13th July.
Props & Perinatal Classes
I have decided to use the soft props for Prenatal students only. These props have been set aside and are marked with a poster, so please do not use them.
Pre and postnatal classes are held on Monday evening and Wednesday morning. Saturday Morning prenatal is online only at this stage. The next Prenatal 10-week term will commence on Monday 20th July. Postnatal 10-week term will commence 22nd July. Until then F2F classes are on a casual drop-in bases.
Bookings are essential as numbers are limited.
Pelvic Floor Workshop
I have finally decided to run a workshop and what better topic than our all-important Pelvic Floor. This workshop is designed for everyone! Whether you think you have pelvic floor issues or not, have male or female anatomy, we all need to understand the function and nurture of our pelvic floor to enjoy better health.
This workshop will give you some a greater insight into the anatomy of the pelvic floor, its relationship to your breathing and how to care for and assess your pelvic floor function and health.
As many of you know I am super passionate about functional anatomy and know first hand how varied and difficult it can be to not only live with these issues but also to discuss them. This fun, informative and practical workshop will have you laughing and getting real about your pelvic health, improve your gut pressure, and potentially reduce torso pain/discomfort.
If you have difficulty activating your pelvic floor, have difficulty activating your core, breathing issues, digestive issues, urinary issues, have had children, abdominal surgery, an injury involving hip or back disruption or you just want to know how to optimise your health and enjoy a greater awareness of your body, this workshop is for you.
This is a F2F and online event. F2F numbers currently limited to 10, this is subject to change should we be able to have more people in the space I will allow more spots. We have space for 100 viewers online. why not get a few people together at home, share the cost and join in together. I have run a variation of this workshop serval times for Arthritis ACT with great success and know that you will gain much from the experience.
When: 2nd August 2020 11:30am – 1:30pm
Cost: $65 (Online and F2F)
For F2F and Online booking click here.
(Simply scroll down to see the Online signup button)
Thai Yoga Massage Training
I am super excited to have Dani Mondall returning to us this year for her Thai Yoga Massage Training in October. We will be hosting her for Level 1 and Level 2 training, so if you missed out last year you have another chance to do it this year.
For those of you who have done the training before, you may want to move on to level 2 and build on your skills and you are invited to assist at the level 1 training. I am so glad I did this training last year and have loved giving this massage so much. For more details about the course please click this link and check out Dani’s website or check out our FB events page for the training.
You can also book in for a Thai Yoga Massage at CYS with either Elena, TL or myself. Having a taste of this massage might just show you how wonderful it is and that you too might want to learn how to give it. For more details on having a massage email the studio or talk to us to arrange a time.
Workshops with Katie
Due to Covid19, we had to postpone Katie’s workshops. They’ve now been rescheduled and you will see them listed with the new dates on our Facebook Page. New posters will go up at the studio this week.
- Myth, Meditation and Relaxation Volume 2 – Sunday 13th December 2020
- Sweet Surrender – Sunday 14th February 2021.
If you had previously booked in for these workshops you are still enrolled and your place is reserved. Please contact me if the dates no longer suit you and we can work it out.
We have missed Katie’s teaching so much and can not wait for her back and sharing with us again.
Spaces are limited for these workshops and they are almost half sold. I have still got the class numbers set to pre Covid19 limits and hope that by the time they roll around there will be no issue with having that many people in the space. Should we need to adjust numbers closer to the time I will contact participants.
To book in for either workshop, click the link: Myths, Meditation and Relaxation and Sweet Surrender.
International Day of Yoga
International Day of Yoga is coming up Sunday 21 June, 2020 and to celebrate you might like to take part in the Indian embassy’s #MyLifeMyYoga videoblogging competition. See below for details.
Should videoblogging not be your thing, but you’d still like to acknowledge the day, you might like to post your photo on our FB page or tag us in your yoga photo. We could do Driveway Yoga 🙂 No photo required!
I am not much of a joiner and things like this generally pass me by but it would be nice to celebrate and honour the joy that Yoga has given to us. If you have any great ideas as to what we could do in this short amount of time please let me know.
Celebrate International Day of Yoga
The world is gearing up to observe the sixth International Day of Yoga (IDY) on 21st June 2020. On this occasion, the Ministry of AYUSH and the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) come together to announce the My Life – My Yoga (also called “Jeevan Yoga”) Videoblogging Contest.
The observation of IDY in the past years has been marked by thousands of harmonious mass demonstrations of Yoga in public places. Due to the contagious nature of COVID-19, no mass gathering would be advisable this year. Hence, this year the Ministry is encouraging the people to practice Yoga at their homes, with participation from the entire family. Through the My Life – My Yoga video blogging competition, the Mission seek to raise awareness about Yoga and to inspire people to prepare for and become active participants in the observation of IDY 2020 on 21st June 2020. The contest will support participation via the social media platforms of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
As announced by Prime Minister Office India in #MannKiBaat applications are now open for #MyLifeMyYoga. Participants can apply now and stand a chance to win attractive prizes. For Terms and Conditions please follow the link – https://hcicanberra.gov.in/docs/1590998122Guidelines-MyLifeMyYoga.pdf
Well, I am sure there is more, but for now this is enough. I hope you are all safe and well, enjoying venturing back out into the community and life is feeling like it is getting somewhat back to normal.
As always please feel free to reach out to me if you need anything. If your account is still on suspension and you would like it reinstated please send me an email. This will not be done automatically.
I wish you all the very best, be well, stay safe

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