Kathryn Sadler

Kat’s Heading

Kat teaches Ashtanga Yoga


Kat believes that happiness and good health are integral to life. She is known for her persistence and determination, and has a passion for learning. Her keen interest in human movement and biomechanics recently led her back to university and she now works as a musculoskeletal physiotherapist. She also has a broad cultural perspective and speaks fluent Indonesian, along with smatterings of Javanese and Arabic. Off the mat and out of the clinic, Kat enjoys reading and drinking good coffee.


Kat has been a student of yoga since 2000 and maintains to an Ashtanga yoga practice in addition to daily pranayama and meditation. She travels regularly to practise with her teachers – Eileen Hall (Sydney), Richard Freeman & Mary Taylor (US/Thailand) and R Sharath Jois (India). Kat completed her initial teacher training under Gregor Maehle & Monica Gauci, and continues to learn from all those around her.


Ashtanga is a physically challenging form of yoga but Kat is committed to making it accessible to all, regardless of age or physical ability, and to keeping the practice fun. She aims to build students’ awareness of the more subtle aspects of the practice: linking the breath to movement, focusing the mind and cultivating calmness.

Kat’s Schedule