Sadly, due to the current situation, CYS, like many other business, has had to close the doors to our physical space and place a hold on face to face classes.

This does not mean that you will go without your classes.

We are now streaming all classes LIVE online.

We have 2 great options for you.

  1. Single class streams only $8.50, or,
  2. $25/week unlimited online subscription.

I have been working hard for the last week to try to make this transition quick, smooth and as easy as possible. When you log into our timetable you will now see our Online Timetable on your MindBodyApp. The new timetable reflects our old timetable but now comes to you at home. When you book into a class you should receive an email receipt with the instructions to get into that streaming class.

Simply log into MindBody, go to Classes. find your class and Sign Up.

We want to keep you practicing and connecting not just for your physical health but for your mental health as well. These are tough times and caring for ourselves is paramount.

We are using Zoom so in readiness you might download the free app and create an account, This will save you some time and give you chance to work out how to use it. We are streaming in Webinar mode so you will be able to see and hear the teacher but they won’t be able to hear or see you. Other students will also not see you so its private and secure.
You can send your teacher a wave to let them know you are there and type into the chat also. Feel free to greet others on the chat and connect. Let’s keep our community connected.

  • Please log into you profile and check that your “Email” notifications are turned ON otherwise you will not receive the login details for the stream. 

We are all potentially going to begin to feel isolated over these next few month so its important we stay connect and keep moving. As you all know yoga is like glue that keeps us together and feeling whole. So with this extra time on our hands, less rushing about, less driving etc we can spend more time nourishing our soul and connecting with our family and friends in different ways.

Myself and the teaching team are here to support you, we want to stay connected with our students and share yoga as widely as we can. We know the world needs it now more than ever. I will be creating private Facebook groups for the classes so you can ask questions and stay connected with your teachers.

Please be patient while we set things up and roll out the kinks. None of us have taught in this way we are all still learning. I have somehow managed to work out the technology to make this happen, link everything up and have it working but there still may be some hold ups and technical frustrations. Stay calm, relax, all is coming.

This crisis is the great equaliser, never before has the modern world felt a suffering together like this, no one is immune, no one will be untouched, everyone is feeling the distress of uncertainty and sadness. In this, I feel, we will gain a greater sense of compassion for our fellow humans. This can be humility at its finest. It is my aim, that through this online platform we encourage more people to the practices of yoga, to help enliven and enhance this sense of compassion across the globe. When we come out on the other side humanity will be changed for the better, so that we realise our sameness and discard our differences. We will all be left with a share sense of loss, with an understanding that we have all felt the same way. We are on the edge of change, let’s make it for the better, let’s not let the loss of lives be for nothing, let us evolve and wake up.

I look forward to seeing you on the web, and meeting new challenges, facing the sadness and finding the truth in it all.

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