Eli with her bowls

What brings you nourishment?

What fills you up?

Are you nourishing yourself?

Grab a cup of tea and settle in because this is a long one.

What makes you feel full and nourished? For me its about honouring myself as sacred.I was recently questioned about a post where I used the terms sacred masculine and sacred feminine. It really got me thinking about why I use the term sacred…

The energy of this month is all about tuning into what nourishes us. What makes us feel full, nourished and nurtured. I have been thinking a lot about this.

When I began to write this newsletter it occurred to me that there is a link between the two concepts or topics.

When I use the term sacred, or I tune into my sense of being sacred, it helps me connect to the deeper parts of myself; to be able to hold myself in reverence, in connection to the divine and to explore my thoughts, feelings and actions from the deepest most aligned parts of myself.

I have noticed that when I move away from this connection I can start to observe my more unhelpful thought patterns and behaviours, so I make it a point to continually remind myself that I, and everyone else, are in fact scared.

This has nothing to do with gender – male and female – or the masculine or feminine within us. We all have our own identification with gender and the qualities of masculine and feminine within us. These are very ego-centric and surface-level connections. What I am talking about is much deeper, and a much more profound connection.

When I do my daily morning and evening practices, I connect with this energy, with the sacred, with the pure bliss of divinity. This is what nourishes me the most. This is what makes me feel full, what keeps me motivated and energised. What keeps me able to give and give and give to everyone I come in contact with. It is what helps me cultivate the energy to teach the way I do, to run the studio and play my bowls, to channel wisdom and stay aligned and connected to my intuition. It helps me keep my vibration high.

This is how I feel nourished, full and nurtured. It comes from inside of me and the time I spend to cultivate and connect with my divinity, my sense of sacred, is the sweetest and best parts of my day.

I believe that if we all saw ourselves and each other as sacred, then perhaps there would be less fear, hate and separation throughout the world. Perhaps then there would be less war, conflict and bigotry and we might see each other through the lens of the miracle of humanity, our beautiful planet, our environment. We might respect more the shining expressions of the divine in everyone and everything and recognise our own unique and wonderful differences as unifying rather than separating.

So I’ll continue to use the term Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine. I will continue to see myself as divine and Sacred and I will always remind myself that we are all sacred and divine. In this way I can continue to live authentically and from a place of reverence, joy and light. And, I can continue to give unconditional love freely and easily.

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