We are online and it works!

I hope you are doing well during this crazy time and at the very least enjoying what extra time you have at home with your family.

Thank you for all the wonderful support that so many of you have sent in. It has given me much strength and drive to be able to work quickly to keep our community together and practising. I am so grateful for all your kind words and generosity. We have had some technical issues which are being resolved, thank you for your patience as we work through them.

The last few weeks have been very stressful for us all and the pressures on families and the community has been immense. So many people have been thrown into upheaval, lost jobs and security, become unwell and in general, we have all been thrown into a constant state of flux and unknowing.

Hopefully this time has, however, given us a bit of extra time to reflect and put into perspective our lives and relationships, given us a deeper sense of connection to all of humanity and perhaps opened up a bit of time to do those things we have been putting off for years, perhaps some study, or cleaning things out around the house or maybe getting creative and making some art or building something. Hopefully you have found space for something to nourish your soul.

I have been using my time to get our entire timetable up and running with online LIVE streamed classes. If you have not yet tried them, I suggest you do. The teachers have been wonderful in learning how to use the system and adapting to this new and strange teaching style. I have actually really been enjoying it and feel it is a great alternative to not having any classes at all or just doing a class to a video. I do miss seeing all your lovely faces though. Whilst the system is not perfect it is serving us well.

If you want to sign up for the $25/week unlimited online class subscription you can click here.

If you have NOT YET emailed me about your direct debit please do so IMMEDIATELY!

Your direct debit has not been automatically suspended as we are able to provide you with the online alternative. So if you would like your direct debit suspended and/or converted to our $25/week unlimited online class subscription please send me an email here with your wishes so I can process it.

Please note our refund policy. There are no refunds, credits can be used with the online classes at your direct debit rate unless you contact me to convert your pass. This is in accordance with our original refund policy before CV19 came about. Please feel free to check your original email receipts. Should you have a 10 or 5 class pass, I am happy to extend them when we come back to face to face classes for the length of time we have been away.

For our Beginner Students, we will not be running another Beginners Course at this time but we did not want to leave you without any options or classes. So there will be Beginner Level open classes on the timetable in most of the beginners class time slots so you can keep learning and growing in your practice. These classes will not follow the structure that our course does but will be more freestyle for teachers to be able to impart their wisdom differently with each class. You will not receive the weekly emails of encouragement. If you have already purchased your beginners pass for next round you can continue to use this until it expires at the end of that course period. You are also welcome to attend any other classes and see how you go. As always, listen to your body and take care so as to avoid injury.

If you want to sign up for the $25/week unlimited online class subscription you can click here.

It is important to mention with this teaching style comes certain downsides. The most important is that we can now no longer see you as we teach and thus are unable to give you the level of care in terms of safety we normally would. Whilst we are doing all we can with cues, alternatives and safe sequencing there is still the need for students to understand that they are taking responsibility for themselves as they practice. So please look after yourself. Work in a way that feels safe and comfortable, do not push yourself or work in a space of pain. This comes back to the principle of Ahimsa, Non-Harming, we teach with this ethos, we practice with this ethos and thus we can stay safe while we nourish ourself.

We have set up private Facebook groups for all of the teachers so you will be able to get into the group and contact your teacher, ask questions and stay up to date with your classes and connect with your teacher before class. Go to the Canberra Yoga Space Facebook page, Like us and then go to groups, look for your teacher and join the group. All up to date info will go up first on Facebook and Instagram so please check there if you need. For any technical issues feel free to send me an email.
MindBody Online, our booking platform, is developing a video library where I will be able to upload our recorded classes, so stay tuned for that. I will let you know when I have it up and running.

If you want to sign up for the $25/week unlimited online class subscription you can click here.

Thank you again for all your support, kindness and patience. We will get through this time of challenge and change and hopefully we will be better for it. Enjoy your classes online, stay practising and take time for rest if you can.

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