Surrender, defined by Webster; the action of yielding one’s person or giving up the possession of something especially into the power of another.
When we practice we look to the qualities of surrender all the time. Surrender to the breath, Surrender to the body. Yoga teachers us to surrender but definitely not to surrender to someone else. It teaches us that yielding to our self, surrendering attachment, grasping and expectation can help us move away from material and social desires and agitations and towards peace, tranquillity and equanimity.

Letting go is a quality we can enhance, releasing ourselves from the impact and fluctuations of others, allowing us to flow with the rhythms of life and be less swayed by the disruptions and negativity we may face. We need not surrender apathetically, giving over with defeat and resignation, but we can actively choose to let go of the grasping that makes us feel powerless and find strength in simply being aware of what is in any given moment.

On the mat we may move through our practice with a need to push or struggle to achieve a shape and loose sight of the mindfulness of our practice. Or we my not try at all passively surrendering to the qualities of laxity and inactivity. The practice is in finding the equanimity. The heat and striving when its needed to help burn off the laxity and the active surrender and letting go of the struggle when we feel a sense of pushing or disharmony. All we need do to help find the surrender is simply find the right shape for that moment, feeling both strong and at ease and listen to the breath, be aware and observe. In this space we may feel the true qualities of surrender. When we take this off the mat and apply it to our daily life we can find strength in surrender, in not sweating the small stuff and learning from the big stuff.

Katheryn Sadler Ashtanga Wednesday Night Workshop

Kat’s Ashtanga Workshop is this Wednesday Evening on the 8th May, 7:46 – 9:45pm. There are still a few spots available so book in to explore the second half of the primary series. Workshops are a wonderful place to be able to ask questions, explore the asana in more detail, play with ways to get in and out of the shapes and are all in all a great place to connect not only with yourself but with your fellow students. To reserve your spot book in here.

Lotus Kids Yoga

Unfortunately we where unable to go ahead with the scheduled Lotus Kids Yoga term based class this term. We will, however have a taster class on Sunday 26th May from 11:30am – 12:30pm and again later in the term. We are playing around with how best to structure this class so if you are interested in introducing your kids to yoga please let me know by emailing with an expression of interest. This information will help us with how best to structure the timetabling and support families.

Small Price Rise

As you know all things change and prices rise. Canberra Yoga Space has not had a price rise since the opening of the studio and our prices are very reasonable. In order to continue providing you with excellent teachers and a beautiful space our prices too need to increase. Please see below a breakdown of the price rises that are relevant to your method of payment. Please note: existing direct debit contracts will not be effected. The price rise will come into place when contracts roll over or if you switch between number of classes a week, as this requires a cancellation of one contract and a new contract becoming established. The Direct Debit increase is $2 per week across all contract options.
The price rise will roll out by the end of the month so if you where considering going onto a direct debit schedule you might want to sign up now to lock in the original price for the next 12 months.

Price Rise Chart

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Communicating with the Studio

Lastly if you need to contact the studio via email, please use; rather than the email form on the website. Please note that every time you use that portal when you are an existing student a new profile is created for you and may compromise your login. So feel free to contact me via the above email for any enquiries, suspensions or requests. If you need to call please use the land line 6198 3395.

Please note: the mobile phone is not the best way to communicate with me, it gets checked daily but is not monitored all day.

May marks my 6 months anniversary of owning Canberra Yoga Space and I have surely learnt a huge amount, on so many levels. I have had to grow into many new roles and meet many challenges, but I have enjoyed every moment. I hope the transition has been smooth for both students and teachers, that you are happy with the feel, flow and rhythm of the studio under my management. I have made more changes than I anticipated I would this quickly, introducing a few new classes and workshops, with overall success. I look forward to the next 6 months and sharing that with you all.

I hope you had a wonderful Easter break and are settling well into this cooler weather.

Wishing you all the best both on and off the mat.



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