
New Moon and the Wood Dragon

The wood dragon guides us to a year of possibility

Can you feel it?

Can you feel the vibrations in the air?

I sure can!!!! I am buzzing with vitality!!!

It’s new moon time and that means we can tune into the new. This New Moon is super special as it coincides with the Chinese New Year – the Year of the Wood Dragon – ushering in a mystical, magical energy that directs us to listen to our soul, to get out of our own way and embrace all we have to offer, all we want to achieve and to really, really listen to our soul.

As you may know, I have been on a deep dive into my spiritual journey for quite some time now and I am ready, raring to go, and in full alignment with these energies. I am loving it all. I am listening, feeling, and acting in accordance with my soul and I have never felt better.

I am excited to see where things go, open to the new, open to adventure, open to uncertainty, and open to the magic this year and life has to offer.

This is good news for you as I am fully present and committed to you, to Canberra Yoga Space to serving our community in all the ways I can. If you have been in my class, you may have felt this shift in me, in the way I teach and the energy I offer through our time together.

Maybe you have felt a lightness in the energy of our beautiful space.

I hope so….. I feel it and our Monsters are thriving with it!

But how can I help you find this joy?

You have it within you as well. You have the capacity to live from spirit and to minimize the fluctuations of the external world within yourself. You have the capacity to rise above your circumstances and see the lessons from the joys and the hardships of daily life.

Our practice is where this all begins. Get on the mat! Regularly! Feel your body, breathe, move, and embrace it all, your triumphs and your limitations. Open up to yourself in this way. This is what our yoga practice is for. This is why we do it and this is where the magic is.

When we get on the mat we come home to ourselves, we remember that we are greater than the sum of our parts, greater than our stories, and greater than our circumstances.

We are a beautiful reflection of all that is and we need not be consumed by life’s circumstances.

So take care of yourself, get on your mat, take a bath, go for a walk, do something that is solely for you, and when doing it, connect with your heart to remember your truth, to love your soul, and to align with this deep inner knowing. Then move out into the world from this space of peace and freedom.

By honouring yourself, by prioritising yourself, you teach those around you how to do the same. This brings us all closer together, more authentically, from a place of wholeness, from a place of soul.

This will change the world.

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