New Moon New Bloom

It’s Our Birthday!!

November marks 12 months since I took over CYS. What an amazing year! I really cannot believe how quickly it has gone by, how much I have learnt, what I have achieved and what rich and wonderful relationships I have formed. I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity and all the wonderful experiences I have had. We have such a wonderful community and space with which to explore our practice and all things Yoga and I thank you all so much for being a part of it. 

With all this in mind I think back to all the hard work that it has taken to get to this point. Amongst all of that my yoga practice and meditation has been so important in helping me stay grounded and connected to my purpose. It can be so hard in our busy lives to make the space to “Actively Relax”. To make time for self-care and connection. We often have activities that we do to relax and connect with others. Often these also give us external stimulation, a rise and fall of emotion and response, thus creating chemical change in the body. It’s not to say these activities don’t have their place, they do. They are joyful  and highly beneficial.

However, when we come to quite introspective practices like yoga and meditation we remove external stimulation, we allow the myriad of hormones and chemicals produced in the body responding to the outside world to settle. This allows for a decrease in these chemicals and an increase in the relaxation response chemicals throughout the body. Not only do we gain physical benefit on a biochemical level but we gain emotional and mental clarity and resilience. What a gift! What a Joy! In reality we are actively investing in our health and nourishing ourselves as a whole being. Better we learn this now and engage in these practices than wait till it’s too late. 

One of my older clients gave me a quote that I found so profound, so true and perspective altering:

“ To soon we grow old, to late we get smart”

Let’s not wait, let’s get smart, look inward and grow old with wisdom.

We are on the home stretch till the end of the year and there is a lot going on. Firstly I would like to say thank you to all the students and teachers for being so patient during October and the changes to the timetable. We hope that there was not too much disruption and I am truly grateful to you for your cooperation.

Our Yin workshops with Sarah Owen where amazing and the Thai Yoga Massage Training was incredible. We will be offering Thai Yoga massage at the studio next year, so stay tuned for that. TL and myself are also practicing the Pregnancy and side laying massage, so ladies let us know if you need it, no doubt you do! We are taking booking for pregnancy massage this year, so please feel free to email me for an appointment.  Elena , TL and myself all did the training so please let us know if you are keen for a massage. 

Long Live a Healthy Appetite

Sunday 10th November, 11:45am – 1:45pm. 

  • What’s your relationship with food like?
  • Do you eat to nourish your body or do you see some patterns with the way you eat that could do with a little understanding and adjustment?
  • Do you make a New Years resolution each year to alter how you are with food?

I know I do… If these questions made you think, then you might get some real benefit from this beautiful Yoga and food workshop.

This is not about diets, or chastising you with bad food choices, this is about allowing, understanding and learning how to nourish and trust in your body and relationship with food. If you have teenagers or family members struggling with food and self-image please bring them along, this is a great opportunity to give them the tools to navigate their relationship with food as it is developing.

Please email me to discuss family admission or click HERE to book your place.

Celebrate With Us

I would love it if you would join me in celebrating the year just gone and then new one coming on Sunday 24th November 11am – 3ish at Yarralumla Play Station, down on the grass by the water. This is just a simply get together for teachers and students to hang out and celebrate, so if you are free, please pop in or stay for a while. I will be providing some food and drinks but please feel free to bring a plate to share, vegetarian please.

Our studio is a combination of all our wonderful energies, the love we produce and the joy we generate.


Xmas Timetable

The Xmas timetable is shaping up. We are trying to put together a variety of classes for those of you who are still in town and wanting to practice.

This year there will be a Xmas timetable special offer of $75 unlimited classes between 27th December – 19th January. This pass is great for those attending the beginners course to keep up your practice over the break.

Normal classes will commence on the 20th January. For those of you on direct debit you can either continue on, using your designated class allowance, or pause you direct debit for the special if you feel you are going to attend more classes than normal. The $22, 14-day New student pass will also still be available. For those of you on 10 class pass, who are planning on attending lots, you may find the Unlimited deal worth purchasing and then resuming your class pass when normal classes begin again.

More details of the Xmas timetable soon. 

The studio will be closed from the 23rd – 26th December and again on New Years Day 1st January 2020.  

The Art of Rest

If you missed out on Myth, Meditation and Relaxation then do not despair, Katie is presenting another wonderful offering with The Art of Rest. This 2.5hour workshop is set be another magical experience of introspection and bliss. For more details and to book your place click this link. Katie’s workshops sell out very quickly so book you place early, it might just be the perfect Xmas gift for someone too.

Book your place here. 

Thank you again for such a wonderful year, for welcoming me into the role and for being a part of this amazing sanga.

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