I can’t help but feel there is a sense of fatigue in the air with the long continuation of the fire season and how close they are to us this last few weeks. Not to mention the hail and heavy rains. For those of you directly affected by the fires my heart goes out to you and on behalf of your CYS community may the rebuilding of your life be swift and smooth.
This rain is welcome and no doubt giving everyone a sigh of relief. Hopefully it brings an end to the fires and a blooming of green again to our lands. May this cooler weather give us hope that things will soon turn around, that new beginnings will unfold and with such the rebuilding of life, the bush and the collective energy.
Fire in its positive form allows us transformation, the fire in the belly lets us get things done, create and transform. Fire has helped us as a species to grow and evolve, with light, cooking, heat and energy. But what has been so powerfully illustrated this summer is that fire can also decimate, destroy and take life. The line of balance so thin and fragile.
For myself I was lucky enough to escape Canberra for a few weeks and travel to Chaing Mai Thailand on a Yoga Business Retreat. I had the most wonderful time, met new friends, learnt so much about being present and responsive in my business, gained clarity as to how to move forward and create an even more wonderful space than what we have and found comfort and self-assuredness in my role as teacher and studio owner.
I learnt that we all carry the cloud of self-doubt, of unworthiness and that feeling of not being good enough or as good as our peers. I discovered we are all amazing, unique and have valuable things to offer. If all these negatives are universally the same, then they cancel each other out. We can let the critical self-talk go and just get on with either discovering our life’s purpose or focusing on it and letting it flourish. It can all be so simple if one lives from a place of goodness, consideration and consciousness.
“Let the heat of your practice transform, your breath revitalise and your sense of purpose rise.”
So much is happening this month with little changes to the timetable so please check you classes as some have had a slight shift in timing.
Welcome Nicki Ricza
Welcome to Nicki Ricza who has joined our teaching team. Nicki has been a student at CYS since the beginning and will be helping with filling in when our regular teachers need. Nicki has been teaching chair and other classes out in the community and no doubt will be a great asset to our team.
Class Changes
Tuesday night Ashtanga with Kat has been extended to become a 90min class so students can work towards full Primary Series. This means the Tuesday night Ashtanga class will now be at 5:45 – 7:15pm (starting 15mins earlier that before). To make this happen Fiona’s Knoff class has also been shifted forward to begin at 4:15 – 5:30pm. This change will come into effect on Tuesday 25th February. Thank you to Kat, Fiona and all attending students for your cooperation with this change.
I am pleased to announce that Gail is back teaching the Sunday afternoon class. This class has also had a slight time shift to 4:45 – 6:00pm, starting 15 mins earlier. Many Thanks to Cass, Sarah and Michelle for teaching this class for the past year. For those of you wondering Cass will still be teaching at CYS, so stay tuned for some exciting developments there.
Delve Into Pranayama
This March we are very lucky to have our two wonderful Iyengar teachers, Jacqui Simmonds and Jill Farrelly, teaming up to bring us a workshop dedicated to breathing. Delve Into Pranayama will be a wonderful exploration of breathing with the methods from the Iyengar linage and a wonderful opportunity to discover more on the path of Yoga.
When: Sunday, 15th March.
Time: 11:30 – 1:30.
Cost $40.
To book you place click this link.
An essential part of yoga is Pranayama – conscious control of the breath. BKS Iyengar said “the practice of Pranayama develops a steady mind, strong will-power and sound judgement.”
Learn how to prepare physically and mentally for Pranayama and explore foundation breathing methods. Jill Farrelly and Jacqui Simmonds are certified teachers of Iyengar Yoga. They will lead you through a supportive sequence to deepen your understanding of Pranayama and inspire you to incorporate this important aspect of yoga into your practice.]
Sunday Sounds
After the wonderful success and popularity of the Sound Bath Meditation held in January, I have decided to hold a semi regular Sound Bath. They will be on selected Sundays between 11:30 – 1:15ish. The first one happening on the 29th March 2020.
I love playing the bowls and I love sharing them even more, so come along and join me for a time of meditative vibration to realign the body, rejuvenate the spirit and quiet the mind.
Click here to book you place.
Cancelation Policy
As you may have noticed, some of our classes are very full these days. This is great for the studio and wonderful to see our community growing. This does however mean that it is super important to book your place in class. And just as important to cancel your booking should you not be able to attend. Classes do have waiting list and when you cancel some one else is notified that they can attend. So take your yoga off the mat and consider others by cancelling your place at least 2 hours before the start of class. Class lists are monitored and continual absence without cancelation will result in loss of that credit. Please remember we do have a 2 week class make up policy for those of you on Direct Debit.
All we are asking is to please think of others if you cannot attend. It is best to cancel via your Mindbody app or by your login.
Please note: Cancellation of your Direct Debit contract must be done in writing, So please email me should you wish to cease your classes at CYS. Should you be going away for a while please remember that you can suspend your account for the time you are away. Simply shoot me an email with the dates and I will set it up for you.

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