What an incredible start to 2020. I would love to say Happy New Year but the start of 2020 has come with an unusual feeling and distress for us all. As the clock turned I could not help but think of the devastation going on up and down our coastline and all the lives being effected. These fires have swept though killing thousands of animals, displacing people and families, destroyed homes and sadly have claimed some lives. All so senseless and heartbreaking. To be honest I am at a loss for what to say and do about it all.
We focus so much on breathing in our yoga and meditation practice, but breathing now comes at a cost. The air has been oppressive, deep breaths disgusting and filled with grey haze. It feels as if we will never see a clear sky again. The energy is apocalyptic and desperate. But we must still move forward and be mindful of this time, perhaps with a new appreciation of the breath and the nature of air. Normally clear and fine, there but not needing to see it. These times will pass and we will breath freely again.
No doubt we have all been praying for rain, for an end to the spread. It will come in time and it will bring relief. But what these fires have sparked is a deep sense of community. There has been a collective gathering both practical and in spirit. Fire transforms, perhaps the fruits of this transformation will come as the dust and ash settle. But I cannot help but feel that transformation has come to the Australian spirit and the extreme kindness that we have shown to one another.
I do hope that despite the inferno you had a lovely Christmas and holiday season, shared with those you care for.
On a lighter note, there is still lots happening at the studio and many things to celebrate and get excited about.
Xmas Holiday timetable
Our holiday timetable has been going well. Classes have been very full, so please make sure you book your place. If you are having trouble booking in it could be that the class is full. We fit 30 at a squeeze so please be mindful when setting up your mat to share the space and use the floor markings as a guide.
Regular Classes Resume
Our normal timetable will be back from the 20th from January with the first round of the Beginners Course also kicking off that day so if you have not yet booked your place, please do so here as the course is filling up fast. The Wednesday and Thursday evening classes are almost full.
Crystal Singing Bowl Chakra Sound Bath
I am super excited to share my love of sound on Saturday 11th with the Crystal Singing Bowl Chakra Sound Bath. Sound is a most ancient method of healing and transforming the body on a cellular level as the sound waves move through the whole body and create balance and harmony. This session will be a journey through the 7 Main chakras and is designed to give deep relaxation and meditation, providing space and the right environment for healing and renewal on many levels. We will take some time to connect with our breath, nurture our diaphragm and then settle in to be taken on a journey of sound. There are only 2 spots left, so please book your place today.
The Art of Rest
Katie is giving us another taste of her wonderful teaching with The Art of Rest on the 16th February. She is returning from another stay and training in India and no doubt we will benefit from her time there. Spaces are limited and we are more than ½ way reserved, so please book your place here.
Finally, I am very excited for the year ahead and have some wonderful plans to grow our space and community, stay tuned as things unfold.
Wishing you all the best.

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